Saturday, February 27, 2010

korean food...

since i'm planning to do my internship in south africa, (which i'm not sure yet)
it is good for me to start blogging in English, even though i know i'm not good on least i try...

last2 week, i don't remember exactly when,
farha and i went to korean restaurant which soon to be opened, we just went there for the pre-open ceremony just among the friends...

the korean girl is actually farha's friends...
she being staying in Malaysia for almost 9 year...
i love when she speaks korean with his family, it's so like i'm watching korean drama..haha..

my friend told her that i'm so into korean stuff..nthen her friends said..oh really..because she said she didn't know much about korean..haha (she don't even know music bank) so i didn't asked her many question, not because she don't know much about Korean entertainment but it is also because of i can't speak english fluently..hehe... so most of the time i just keep quite and just listening to what they discussed.

when i went there i also gained experience by doing some of the community service like that day, we went to the place where there was about 20 something of children from Myanmar. at there, we gave them some books and teach them how to make origamiand had chat with them.....they can't speak English... but they can understands us well...

farha told me it was not first time for them to go there, it is quiet a number because most of the children already know them and keep calling them "teacher"...

after that we went back to the restaurant and had our dinner there..
here are some picture i would like to share...

cindy (the korean girl)

the foods..


kimchi soup

dukbuk-ki (i don't know how to spell)

my first time eat this... it taste good...sorry to my sister coz she really2 want to try diz...haha ezah, tgk jela kt tv org korea ye..

rice with kimchi soup, plus korea pnye spoon (rase mcm nk curi satu)

a lots of kimchi soup....ermmm so delicious, its like u eat malay's asam pedas...haha

abes dah...
my english is supper bad...
do correct me if i'm wrong...

Saturday, February 20, 2010


hye everyone (kalo ada yg membacala..)
dh lamekn sy x update blog...
sampai mak sy lg rajin update dr sy...
ishh, xleh jd nie....anak pn kne rajin gak..ahaks...>_< style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">

Law dining & etiquette
Grand Blue Wave Hotel...
11 feb 2010

ptg kamis tu sepatutnye ak ad tenis, tp ak ponteng coz dgn alasan nk bersiap2 for dinner..hee (habesla next week kne cover 2 kelas..aduh)

so pas abes mandrin class kol 4, tros balik umah dgn harapan konon2nye nk bersiap2...hehe
x bersiap pn tapi...
dok sembang2, yelakan dok tgk jam awai lg...
pastu kan tibe2 rase lapar...boleh lakla ak masak meggie, siap tarok telur lg..perrghh...mmg kembung perutla...
ishh makan x beringat..
pastu iron baju, sembang2, tgk video siap, serupa mcm xde pape event malam tu..
sume dok relax, siap ad yg tdo lg...

seb baek ak tersedar jam menunjukkan almost 6...mak aihh..
xmndi lg nie..nk siap2 dhla lame..
so, pe lg tro g mandi bkn pe nnt kne berebut toilet ngn kema...

so bersiap2la ktaorg dalam mase yg singkat, dengan x telepon lg limo yg ktaorg sewa for dinner..
(a.k.a teksi)
mmg kelam kabut glerla...
wawi relax jer...sonoknye kalo ad ket cm wawi..
emm harapan jela...

bile dh kol limo, die ckp tggu skang, pe lg.. mcm tongkang peacahla rumah..
masing2 kelam kabut nk siap..
tibe2 dengan ad bunyi hon...haa dh sampai dh limo..
ak srohla sape2 yg dh siap g turun dulu tp siti norli ckp tu alex...
ak pn dok caye kt die...tanpa melihat ditingkap btol ke x...coz dh dok sibuk besiap...

beberapa minit kemudian....

separu dari isi rum ditambah dengan org tumpangan sudah siap..
pe lg ktaorg kuarla umah...tyme senja2 nie..
ramaila plak jiran tetangga berada diluar rumah waktu tu...aihhh..
dhla masing2 sore deraih...
jiran2 pn dok usha, pak cik botak sblh umah tu, mmg x heranlakan,,,
die mmg peramah n slalu pelik, ari tu die x tego pn....
entahla...ktaorg cntk sgt kot smpai malu die nk tegor..ahakz..perasan abesla...
bkn pe, slalunye mmg die tegola, kte dh lambt nk g kelas pn die nk borak2 lame lg, even yg baek moto pn sampai nk jatuh dek kerana teguran pak cik botak..

jiran2 lelaki sblh rumah pn dok pandang pelik...
yelakn senja2 pakai lawa2 hitam putih lak tu, mcm nk bekabung...
sampai jengket2 diorang mengintai..
siap dok panggil segala isi umah melihat..
malu tu mmg kompem ad lakn...
ktaorg siap bergambar lg...

tgu pnye tgu teksi x sampai2..
rupe2nye, td yg hon tu teksi, bkn alex...
so kolla blk..
x pasal2 kne sound balik...
emmm..layan jela, yg penting ktorg nk teksi skang..
ringkasan cter jela...

teksi sampai..
umah sblh siap offer nk tumpangka...
mmg xleh blah b4 nie ktorg dh lmbt g kelas pn x pnh lak diorg dok offer...
ktaorg g 2 teksi..
org atas g ngn meng..

sampai blue wave...
agak segan disitu coz...
org hotel dok bkkkn pintu teksi...
senyum jela...
nk wat cmne, kte xde bf yg a kete...

so, sampai2 tros solat maghrib..
kalo tau, baek solat kt umahkn coz kol 9 pn bru start...
pas, solat, habiskn mase ngn sesi bergmbr...

majlis bermula..
mmg sgt beretikala ak....
part sini malas nk cter..
bosan sket..yg penting ak malu gler, tgh makan kacang ak berterabur atas meja...ishh2..

vip balik, ktaorg smbg bergmbr..
bergambr lg...
inilah gmbr2 nyer...


muke kenyang masing2...

daryl dikelilingi bunga...


diyanah, ajlaa,me..

with syamin

with yana

with nadzirah..

dekat meja..

saye sorg je pakai seluar kt sini..

the menu...

bergambar sambil tunggu teksi...

the end...
next tyme sambung cter laen plak..



blela ade mood nk menulis lagi...???